All currency herein is quoted in U.S. dollars. Canadian UnFranchise Owners (UFOs) should convert references to currency to Canadian dollars.
Beginning on November 18, 2007, the Subscription Fees and UFMS fees paid by Canadian UFOs will be adjusted quarterly to account for exchange rate fluctuations between U.S. and Canadian dollars. These price changes will be made on the close of business on the last Friday of each calendar quarter. The conversion rate will be the rate published by the OANDA Corporation on that day.
Beginning in 2022, the Annual Renewal Fee paid by Canadian UFOs will be similarly adjusted annually. The conversion rate will be the exchange rate published by the OANDA Corporation on the last Friday in June of each year.
The amount of retail sales necessary for Canadian UFOs to meet the minimum activity requirement for every Three-Q-Date period will stay at a fixed amount of CAN$200.
The prices paid by Canadian UFOs for products, services, and sales aids will be adjusted at least quarterly to account for exchange rate fluctuations between the U.S. and Canadian dollars. These price changes will be made on the close of business on the last Friday of each calendar quarter and posted on their UnFranchise Business Account. Market America reserves the right to adjust the Canadian prices at any time.
Canadian UFO commissions will be converted weekly from U.S. to Canadian dollars. The conversion rate will be the exchange rate published by the OANDA Corporation immediately preceding the commission process for each week (typically the Tuesday of the week that a commission check is paid).
Canadian UFOs must make fair, reasonable, and timely disclosure of information relating to compensation if they make an income claim. Such disclosure will be considered sufficient only if UFOs use the income disclosure information made available by Market America below.
The income figures provided below were accomplished by UFOs who have devoted time, talent, hard work and a willingness to follow the proven UnFranchise business plan in building their Market America businesses. The success of any Independent UFO will depend on the amount of talent, hard work and dedication he or she devotes to building the business.
Annual UFO Earnings Statement (May 2015)
The percentage of participants that made between USD$1 and USD$5,000 as of May 2015 is 58.54%. If, while presenting the Market America business, a Canadian UFO makes representations relating to compensation, then these earnings figures must be disclosed to potential participants.
† The amounts above do not include income Independent UFOs earned from retail sales; accordingly, the actual financial gain may be higher, depending on each UFO’s retail sales.
‡ Participants in their first year of membership are not included in the calculation of earnings.
A Master UnFranchise Owner (UFO) is a qualified and active Independent UFO who has made the commitment to master the UnFranchise Business Development System by implementing the established tasks, activities, and practices as set forth and defined in the Master UFO Program. By implementing the entire Market America UnFranchise Business Development System and meeting the established criteria, these UFOs dramatically increase their chances for success. In addition, these Independent UFOs possess the means to measure, monitor, adjust and control their success and the success of those in their organization.
For further information about Market America’s Master UnFranchise Owner (UFO) Program, simply log in to your UnFranchise Business Account, click “Downloads,” choose “Support Materials”, select “Administration” in the Category options, and then click “Master UFO Program Booklet” to download the PDF file.
Prior to creating one universal UFO qualification and re-qualification criteria, the UFO Program consisted of Bronze, Silver and Gold levels. The average annual earnings indicated below were derived from commissions earned between May 2000 and April 2001 by all Independent UnFranchise Owners implementing the UFO Program from its inception in May 1999.
Based on an independent study conducted by KML Associates, State College, Pa., the following are results of Market America's UFO (UnFranchise Owner) Program with respect to average annual earnings:
Average Annual Earnings
Bronze - $31,557.36
Silver - $55,696.56
Gold - $231,783.96
Average Weighted Annual Earnings of all UFOs